Eurotherm Mini8 Series Industrial Process Controllers
The Eurotherm Mini8® Controllers offer a high level of performance control. They are also a very affordable and compact data acquisition device. The modular design allows an I/O and feature set to be selected that caters for a wide range of applications. The Mini8 is an ideal partner to a programmable logic controller. Able to multi-drop on either Serial, Fieldbus or Ethernet communications, they offer a cost-effective alternative to performing analogue measurement or loop control in a PLC. This not only reduces the hardware cost of the PLC, but also relieves it of the burden of performing analogue functions, often enabling a more cost-effective processor to be used. The feature set boasts high performance PID control and SP programming functions together with a range of features such as Math, Logic, and Timing blocks. When used in a data acquisition installation, the Mini8’s high density analogue I/O can be combined with Eurotherm’s 6000 series paperless graphic recorder.

Images are for reference only, refer to product data sheet