Ultrasonic Doppler Flow Meters for Fluid with Particulates or Slurries 

Slurry excreted from a pipe
19 August 2024

Many industries require efficient measurement of liquid flow rates, such as water treatment plants, mining sites, and sewage treatment facilities. Since these facilities mostly deal with continuous operations, efficient assessment of water flow is crucial to ensure that pipelines are free from blockages, and that production timelines are met. 

Flow rate is the quantification of fluid that passes through a point in a pipe. Note that there are various kinds of flow meters used to gauge liquid flow rates. Clean water calls for a transit-time flow meter device, whereas slurries, sludges or water that contains solid particles, and suspended bubbles will require the ultrasonic Doppler flow meter. 

What is the Doppler Effect? 

Doppler flow meters work by using the principle of Doppler effect, which is named after the physicist, Christian Doppler, who described the phenomenon in 1842.  

The Doppler effect is the change in the frequency of a wave from a point of observation. When applied to slurries, the Doppler flow meter tracks the shifts in the wave reflected off by passing particles (bubbles or debris) through the sensor, and then sends the signals back to the flow meter -- thus determining the velocity, and providing accurate flow rate measurements. 

Benefits of Ultrasonic Doppler Flow Meters 

Ultrasonic Doppler flow meters are non-invasive, portable devices that can readily integrate with your existing set-up. Because these devices rely on either ultrasonic or sound waves, there is no need to cut a pipe to install it. They can easily be attached to a pipe, therefore saving you time and money, as well as from contamination problems and leak issues.  

Due to its clamp-on nature, ultrasonic Doppler flow meters can also be used regardless of the pipe size. 

Industrial Applications 

Ultrasonic Doppler flow meters are suitable for raw sewage, aerated water, slurries, viscous liquids, and abrasives. Since these flow meters rely on particles sending off waves as they pass through liquid, they will not work with clean water.  

Finding the Right Solutions  

Let us help you find the right solutions for your applications. If you need technical assistance or more information about our available flow measurement sensors, contact the ADM Sense Team