Having Trouble Logging into Your Eurotherm Device? – We can help!
Eurotherm understands that your Process data needs to be kept secure. Therefore, they continually update their instruments to conform to the latest Cyber Security requirements (Certified to Achilles® CRT Level 1 Cybersecurity).
The Eurotherm Nanodac & Eurotherm 6000 series recorders force a password creation on initial power-up, which is incredibly difficult to recover if you forget it or get locked-out of the account.
With previous firmware a Service User Account was available as a backdoor to remedy the situation. However, the latest revisions of the firmware have deleted these accounts to comply with the current Cyber Security standards.
With the Nanodac, ADM can use a configuration clip & a terminal emulator to reset the Nanodac back to its factory default. We have already carried out this procedure for a few customers who no longer had the password that was set on initial power-up. Recorded data (UHH) files are not lost during this process.

Unfortunately, resetting the Eurotherm 6000 series is more complicated. A debugging cable is required to carry out a similar procedure. This means connecting directly to the micro board, which involves dismantling the recorder. If a cable is not available, the recorder needs to be sent back to Eurotherm in the UK. It should be noted that ADM does not possess a debugging cable. At the time of writing, ADM is in the process of obtaining a cable.

ADM recommends that customers record their passcodes in a secure place.
The passcodes can be recorded in the comments of clone files. However, if you choose this method the clone file must be saved in a secure location.
Otherwise, you may wish to save the passcode in a secure password manager.
This would negate the need to pay ADM to reset and reconfigure the Nanodac.
If you are having difficulties logging into your Eurotherm device, please do not hesitate to contact ADM for assistance.